Articles of interest for Ruby on Rails
Displaying articles 526 - 550 of 5374 in totalArticle Sources
JSON Web Tokens (JWT) vs Rails Session Cookies
Explore the differences and similarities between Json Web Tokens and Rails session cookies and why you'd want to use one over the other
Sidekiq on Production
Sidekiq is a Ruby Background Processor that manages its queue with a Redis service. Learn to deploy Sidekiq to your production environment.
Our First API
We build a basic API and talk about the differences between a regular Rails controller and an API
Sidekiq Basics
Sidekiq is a Ruby Background Processor that manages its queue with a Redis service. Learn the basics of Sidekiq and integrating it with ActiveJob.
Multiple File Uploads with Shrine
Learn how to implement multiple file uploads in your app using Shrine and jQuery File Upload
Mail Previews and Templates
Using ActionMailer::Preview preview email samples without sending them. Using Zurb's Foundation for Emails, learn how to use email templates with the Ink framework.
How To Use Turbolinks clearCache()
Improve your Turbolinks implementation by using the clearCache method to reload pages
Adding Exceptions To Recurring Events
See how to add exceptions to recurring events with the ice_cube gem
Getting Started - Ruby on Rails - Architectural Overview
For beginners, learn the basic structure of a Ruby on Rails application and the request lifecycle. Learn how different components of a Rails application interact with each other.
Recurring events with the ice_cube gem
See how to take rules from the ice_cube gem and add recurring events to any calendar
Redis Basics
Redis within a Ruby on Rails application has many benefits. Learn to interact with Redis Server and set it up for caching within your application.
Charts and Graphs
Learn how to use one of three charting libraries, Chart.js, Highcharts, or Google Charts, using the Chartkick gem to create simple and unobtrusive charts in your application.
Adding Turbolinks Compatibility to SimpleMDE Markdown Editor
Learn how to use Javascript constructors and destructors with Turbolinks to add compatilibty to any Javascript library you want
Getting Started - Ruby on Rails - Development Environment
Here is a simple workflow of setting up a new development environment. From Homebrew, ZSH, Atom, and RVM, learn how to easily get your macOS environment up and running.
Organizing Your Asset Pipeline in Development for Speed
Speed up the Rails asset pipeline in development by organizing your assets correctly
Database Index Optimization and Migration Maintenance
Adding indexes to your databases can increase the SQL search performance on your tables. As your application grows, migration files can become out of hand, use squasher to squish them down to a single file.
Shrine Backgrounding and Video Transcoding
Transcode videos in the background using Shrine
Rails API - Throttling with Rack::Attack
Save expensive calculation time using Rack::Attack, we will learn how to limit requests coming into our application. This gem not only limits requests, but can be used to blacklist or whitelist users as well.
Protecting from XSS with Sanitize
Protect your Rails application from Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks using the sanitize helper
Rails API - Authentication with JWT
Using the knock gem, we will add JWT Authentication to our Rails API Application.