Articles of interest for Ruby on Rails
Displaying articles 551 - 575 of 5374 in totalArticle Sources
Receiving Webhooks in Development with Ngrok and Docusign
How to develop against webhooks on your local development machine using ngrok and Docusign's API
Receiving Webhooks in Development with Ngrok and Docusign
How to develop against webhooks on your local development machine using ngrok and Docusign's API
Rails API - Active Model Serializer
Using ActiveModel::Serializer, learn how to create the JSON responses for your Rails API application. ASM is a great object oriented approach to building a JSON API.
Electronic Signatures with the Docusign API
Request documents to be signed electronic using the Docusign API in your Rails app
Direct File Uploads to S3: Part 3
Using jQuery File Upload to upload presigned files directly to Amazon S3 and then store them with Shrine
Direct File Uploads to S3: Part 1
Setup your Amazon S3 account to receive direct file uploads from users using Shrine in your Rails app
Rails API Basics
A brief introduction on Rails API. Learn how to create an API application and setup the routes. This episode is paving the way for more in depth looks into Rails API.
Direct Messages in Realtime with ActionCable
Add realtime direct messages between users in our chat application using ActionCable
Version Control with Git Flow
Using Git Flow, learn how to work with branches and organize your changes. Once you have completed features, learn how to merge them back into a develop branch and prepare for a release to your master branch.
Authorization with Pundit
Prevent unauthorized access to your application with Pundit; an authorization library for Ruby on Rails which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access.
Multi-User Spreadsheets with ActionCable: Part 5
Build a reactive multi-user spreadsheet web app with ActionCable and RethinkDB
Multi-User Spreadsheets with ActionCable: Part 4
Build a reactive multi-user spreadsheet web app with ActionCable and RethinkDB
Multi-User Spreadsheets with ActionCable: Part 3
Build a reactive multi-user spreadsheet web app with ActionCable and RethinkDB
Multi-User Spreadsheets with ActionCable: Part 2
Build a reactive multi-user spreadsheet web app with ActionCable and RethinkDB
Multi-User Spreadsheets with ActionCable: Part 1
Build a reactive multi-user spreadsheet web app with ActionCable and RethinkDB
Two Factor Authentication
Add multi factor authentication to your existing authentication solution. This gives your users the option to increase the level of security to their account and help prevent unauthorized access.
Authentication Crash Course with Devise
Devise is a flexible authentication solution for Rails based on Warden. Learn how to add a stable authentication solution like Devise to your application.
Group Chat with ActionCable: Part 7
Tracking unread messages in chat so that we can provide a nice user experience for our users
Capturing Signatures with Signature Pad
Using the Javascript Library, Signature Pad, learn how to capture user signatures and store them within your Ruby on Rails application.
Group Chat with ActionCable: Part 6
Adding browser notifications for new messages with the Notifications and Page Visiblity APIs
Antivirus Uploads with Clamby
Using ClamAV, scan files uploaded to your application for viruses. In the event of a virus learn how to gracefully handle the infected file and notify the user.
Sending Emails with SMTP and Sendgrid
Setup Rails to send emails over SMTP using your Sendgrid account
Group Chat with ActionCable: Part 5
Sending chat messages from the browser to the server with ActionCable
FullCalendar Events and Scheduling
Learn how to incorporate FullCalendar into your Ruby on Rails application with listing and creating events. Using unobtrusive javascript, we can create a fast interactive calendar.