Articles of interest for Ruby on Rails
Displaying articles 426 - 450 of 5374 in totalArticle Sources
Error Tracking with Errbit
Track errors in Rails, Sidekiq, etc in production for free using the open source Errbit app and the Airbrake gem
Continuous Integration with Travis CI
Using Continuous Integration, you can perform tasks and run your tests automatically whenever you commit your code. Travis CI offers free Continuous Integration for open source projects.
Two Factor Authentication With Devise
Using the devise-two-factor gem, we can add an extra layer of security to our apps by having a our users type in a one-time password along with their email and password when they login. We'll be using the Google Authenticator app to login.
Two Factor Authentication With Devise
Using the devise-two-factor gem, we can add an extra layer of security to our apps by having a our users type in a one-time password along with their email and password when they login. We'll be using the Google Authenticator app to login.
Speeding Up Tests
Slow tests can slow down your development process. Using parallel_tests, you can speed up your test suite by multiple threads and running the tests in groups.
Uploading Files to DigitalOcean Spaces
Learn how to upload files to DigitalOcean's Spaces which is an Amazon S3 compatible file storage API
Sample Data with Factory Bot and Faker
Factory Bot is a fixtures replacement which can generate the needed records directly in the tests. Faker can be used to create fake data for these records.
Handling Inbound Email Parsing with Rails
Learn how to handle inbound emails in your Rails application and use them to create comments in your app
Feature Testing with Capybara
Create Acceptance Tests or Feature Tests to extend your automated tests with browser testing. It can help tests some areas that cannot be reached with other types of tests.
Administrate Custom Fields and the Trix Editor
Use the Trix editor in your admin area using Administrate's custom fields.
Testing with RSpec
Using RSpec, learn how to create tests for your application and view your coverage.
Making GeoSearch smooth with AJAX
Cleaning up the rough edges and adding some polish to geosearch using AJAX
Basic Testing Introduction in Rails
Using the Rails 5.1.X defaults, we have a look at what is configured and explore the different types of tests; using the provided MiniTest and Capybara.
Using the Trix Editor plus File Upload Attachments
Learn how to use the Trix editor for editing wysiwyg content and upload attachments like images using Javascript and Shrine
Geo-spatial Search with Searchkick and ElasticSearch
Index and search your models by geolocation using Searchkick and Elasticsearch
Creating a Basic Gem
Gems are a packaged library of functions that can extend your application or provide other features to your system. Learn to create and publish a ruby gem.
Sortable Drag and Drop
Drag and drop sorting is pretty easy to add to any Rails application using jQuery sortable
Polymorphic Associations
Advancing from Single Table Inheritance, learn how Polymorphic Associations differ and tricks to simplify their usage.
Geo-spatial Search with Geocoder and Google Maps
This episode, we'll clone Yelp / Airbnb's geosearch functionality using the Geocoder gem
Single Table Inheritance
Learn to use single table inheritance to allow multiple classes to be stored in the same database table.
Speed up Rails boot times with Bootsnap
Learn how Bootsnap speeds up your Ruby and Rails app boot times by preloading the load paths and caching Ruby bytecode
Auditing with Paper Trail
Using the paper_trail gem, track changes to model records for auditing purposes and rollback changes when required.
How to use Google Maps and Markers
Using the Gmaps.js library, we can really easily add Google Maps to our Rails applications
ActiveRecord Migrations
This episode covers different tips and tricks around database migration files.
Testing Emails in Development with Mailcatcher
Learn how to send emails to a local SMTP server called Mailcatcher for testing and designing emails