Articles of interest for Ruby on Rails
Displaying articles 601 - 625 of 5374 in totalArticle Sources
Improving Query Performance with Database Indexes
Learn how to improve the speed of your database queries by adding database indexes to your tables
Infinite Scrolling
Infinite scrolling is now a common feature and there are several cases where it is really useful. For instance there are some websites where we simply can’t imagine a good pagination system, like Twitter or even Facebook.
Repost / Retweet / Reblog
Learn how to add the common "Retweet" or "Reblog" functionality in your Rails app with self-referential associations
WYSIWYG Editor with Trix
Compose beautifully formatted text in your web application. Trix is a WYSIWYG editor for writing messages, comments, articles, and lists.
Sentiment Analysis with the Sentimental Gem
Learn how to use sentimental analysis against text inside your application and cache it so you can query against it later
Turbolinks 5 Forms for Mobile
Learn how to setup forms to work with Turbolinks iOS and Android adapters
WYSIWYG Editor with Summernote
Integrate Summernote WYSIWYG Editor into your application. Learn how to use AJAX callbacks to filestore your images instead of database Base64.
Advanced Caching with User Permissions and Authorization
Learn how to use Javascript to enable user permissions and authorization in generic caches
Meta Tags
Adding Meta Tags to your website is important for SEO ranking and content display. Learn how to easily add meta tags to your Ruby on Rails application.
Russian Doll Caching with Rails 5
Learn how to implement efficient Russian Doll Caching with Rails 5
Faye WebSockets - Part 2
Learn how to install and configure a thin server within a Linux environment hosting a Faye WebSocket application. This episode includes showing you how to server your WebSockets over a secure SSL connection.
Fragment Caching
Make your application faster by leveraging memory and caching fragments of your view.
GoRails Performance - The Techniques I Use
Learn how I design GoRails for speed and performance on all layers of the stack
GoRails Performance - The Techniques I Use
Learn how I design GoRails for speed and performance on all layers of the stack
Upgrading simple_calendar for Rails 5
We fix a bug in simple_calendar now that ActionController::Parameters are enforced with strong_params in Rails 5
Use memoization to your advantage to cache results in memory to improve speed
Advanced Messaging with Mailboxer: Adding Attachments
Use Carrierwave to add attachments to your Mailboxer conversation messages
Advanced Mailboxer: Multiple User Conversations
Learn how to create conversations with 3+ users using the mailboxer gem
Advanced Messaging with Mailboxer: Mark As Read
Learn how to inspect gems and add mark as read functionality to Mailboxer
UUID in Rails with ActiveUUID
Some cases require non-auto incrementing primary keys as well as multiple master writes without id conflicts. With ActiveUUID, we can configure our table's primary key with confidence without added complexity.
How to Upgrade to Turbolinks 5
Learn how to upgrade your Turbolinks 2.5 or 3.0 app to the newest Turbolinks 5
Mitigating Spammers with Recaptcha
Learn how to integrate Google's Recaptcha API into your forms and registration process with Rails
Faye WebSockets - Part 1
Using WebSockets, we are able to create a realtime notification between browsers. Useful for in-app messaging, chats, and more! Learn how to use Faye's Publish and Subscribe methods. I believe that this paves the way for successfully using and learning the upcoming ActionCable.
In-App Messages Between Users
Learn how to send messages between users with the Mailboxer gem