Articles of interest for Ruby on Rails
Displaying articles 126 - 150 of 266 in totalArticle Sources
Observer Patterns
The Observer pattern (also known as publish/subscribe) provides a simple mechanism for one object to inform a set of interested third-party objects when its state changes.
One question that I get asked most often is what editor, theme and extensions am I using for my editor. In this episode, we take a look at the different extensions and settings that I use.
Search Encrypted Attributes with Blind Index
Keeping client data protected is important, but once an attribute is encrypted, it becomes difficult to work with it. With Blind Index, we regain functionality on searching and validations.
Rails API App - Authentication with JSON Web Tokens
With a bare Rails API app, we add an authentication solution and checks per request with JSON Web Tokens, JWT.
Multistep Form with Wicked
Wicked can help by turning a controller into a series of multiple steps. In this episode, we interact with Devise to provide wizard after the user has registered.
User Notifications
Using the Notifications Rails Engine, we are able to add notifications to our applications based on certain events. The engine provides the schema and necessary controls and associations to seamlessly integrate into your app.
Using GitLab Runner for CI/CD
GitLab is a great version control software which has options to either self host or or use their hosted solution. In this episode, we look at using the GitLab Runner to run our Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment.
Ruby Go Lang Extensions
Let's face it, Ruby is slow , but don't abandon Ruby just yet. Using extensions, we can write performant code in another language for the specific slow functions while the rest of the application remains untouched.
Dynamic Select Fields
Making one select field dependent on another and automatically update based on the previous selection can be a tricky task. In this episode, we look an a rather unobtrusive way to handle this for many scenarios.
Ruby on Rails Development with Microsoft Windows 10
Developing a Ruby on Rails application on Windows can be difficult, but doesn't have to be with Bash on Windows. Learn how to use Bash to install the Ruby interpreter.
Web Interactions with Mechanize
The Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites. Mechanize automatically stores and sends cookies, follows redirects, and can follow links and submit forms. Form fields can be populated and submitted.
Debugging with Remote Pry
Puma-dev combined with Remote Pry is a strong combo for debugging and ease of development.
Preparing for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
In this episode, we look adding in some of the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation into our Ruby on Rails application. Disclaimer: this episode is not legal advice and you should consult a lawyer.
Blockchain in Ruby on Rails
In this episode, we look into creating a blockchain as well as proof of work for car maintenance tracker application. Blockchain is used to establish a trust that records have not been tampered with.
ActiveRecord Tricks
In this episode, we look at what would seemingly be simple queries, but are more complex once you start looking into them. Using built in ActiveRecord functions, we can make the queries readable and easy to work with.
Turbolinks iOS Hybrid App
In this episode, we look at using the Turbolinks library for iOS and use it to create a hybrid application.
Turbolinks 5
Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster. Get the performance benefits of a single-page application without the added complexity of a client-side JavaScript framework. Use HTML to render your views on the server side and link to pages as usual.
SimpleMDE and ActiveStorage
SimpleMDE is a great WYSIWYG Markdown Editor, but lacks the ability to handle image uploads. In this episode, we look at adding ActiveStorage and some JavaScript to handle image uploading.
Encrypted Credentials in Rails 5.2
In this episode, we take a look at the Encrypted Credentials of Ruby on Rails 5.2 and how we can patch it so that we can use other YAML files like a development.yml and test.yml.
More on GraphQL - Organizing and Refactoring
In this episode, we take a look at our GraphQL API that we created from Episode 119 and refactor the mutations and queries so that we keep the structure and API manageable.
Drifting Ruby Gource
This is a video of the Drifting Ruby Code Base being built over the years.
Ruby Objects and Memoization
In this episode, we look at creating ruby objects. Then we look at different ways of implementing memoization and how it can be used to speed up our classes.
Introduction to GraphQL
GraphQL is a query language for your API. In this episode, we will look at adding GraphQL to our Ruby on Rails application and seeing how we can pull down data and create records.
Ruby on Rails - Tips and Tricks
In this episode, we will go through some of the tips and tricks that we often take for granted. We will be looking at nested routes, scopes, migrations and more.
Upgrading Ruby on Rails Versions
In this episode, we look at updating a Ruby on Rails application from v4.2.10 to v5.0.6. The overall steps taken will vary from every application, but the concepts applied will relatively be the same.