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Articles of interest for Ruby on Rails

Displaying articles 126 - 150 of 5374 in total
  • Card image cap
    Go Rails

    Caching with Etags

    One fantastic way to improve Rails performance is by using Etags to help the browser keep track if a page has changed or not. This can help Rails skip rendering views entirely and save lots of time.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Autocomplete with StimulusJS

    In this episode, learn how to easily add autocomplete search functionality to your Rails Application with StimulusJS.


  • Card image cap
    Go Rails

    Improving the Rails Conductor for Inbound Emails & ActionMailbox

    Contribute to Rails by discovering something you could improve and learning how to add features to Rails


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    Drifting Ruby

    FullCalendar with StimulusJS

    FullCalendar still remains to be one of the best Javascript calendar libraries and with the power of StimulusJS, it is easier than ever to interact with. In this episode, we look at implementing the latest version of FullCalendar (v5) in our Ruby on Rails application.


  • Card image cap
    Go Rails

    Webpack Bundle Analyzer

    Webpack bundles can be confusing as to what actually ships in production. Using the bundle analyzer plugin, we can visualize and see exactly what libraries and files are taking up what space.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Soft Delete with Discard

    Soft deletes for ActiveRecord done right.


  • Card image cap
    Go Rails

    Realtime Group Chat with Rails [Revised] - Part 3

    Keeping track of a user's last read timestamp for each chat room is straightforward, especially when we use Stimulus.js to update it from the client side.


  • CSS-Tricks

    How-to guide for creating edge-to-edge color bars that work with a grid

    Hard-stop gradients are one of my favorite CSS tricks. Here, Marcel Moreau combines that idea with CSS grid to solve an issue that’s otherwise a pain in the butt. Say you have like a 300px right sidebar on a desktop layout with a unique background color. Easy enough. But then say you want that background color to stretch to the right edge of the browser window even though the grid itself is width-constrained. Tricker.… Read article “How-to guide for creating edge-to-edge color bars that work with a grid”


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    Drifting Ruby

    Deploying to Heroku

    Heroku is a Platform as a Service (PaaS), where you can deploy and manage your Ruby on Rails applications. It is one of the easiest platforms to deploy to; allowing you to focus on the development side of things instead of worrying about managing an infrastructure.


  • Card image cap
    Go Rails

    Code Coverage with SimpleCov and RailsBytes

    Add code coverage to your app using SimpleCov and RailsBytes. We'll walk through installing simplecov and creating a RailsByte to automate it for us going forward.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Dynamic Role Management

    Create dynamic roles that can be assigned to users. Based on the assigned role, the user will be able to perform or view various parts of the application.


  • Card image cap
    Go Rails

    Multiuser Live Video Chat in Rails

    Using Vonage (previously known as OpenTok), we can add multiuser live video chat to Rails in just 20 minutes. It also supports broadcasting things like webinars, recording videos, and more.


  • Card image cap
    Go Rails

    Intersection Observer API to refactor Infinite scroll

    Using the Intersection Observer API, we can refactor our infinite scroll example to be much more efficient and simpler to use


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    Drifting Ruby

    Video Chat with WebRTC

    Using ActionCable and StimulusJS, we can create a Zoom-like video chat functionality where chat rooms can share live audio and video streams.


  • Card image cap
    Go Rails

    Realtime browser updates with Cable Ready

    Learn how to use Cable Ready to perform realtime browser updates using actions generated in Rails controllers, models, and background jobs. Cable Ready is the magic behind Stimulus Reflex.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Tracking Changes on Action Text

    Without using any gems, we look at tracking changes within Action Text. It seems like a simple thing, but challenges arise through several layers of abstraction due to the flexibility that Action Text provides.


  • Card image cap
    Go Rails

    Realtime Group Chat with Rails [Revised] - Part 2

    An updated version of our Group Chat series using Webpacker, ActionCable, Stimulus.js, and modern Javascript to build a very clean version of realtime group chat in Rails


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    Drifting Ruby

    Publish and Subscribe to Events

    In this episode, we look at a micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities.


  • Card image cap
    Go Rails

    Realtime Group Chat with Rails [Revised] - Part 1

    An updated version of our Group Chat series using Webpacker, ActionCable, Stimulus.js, and modern Javascript to build a very clean version of realtime group chat in Rails


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    Drifting Ruby

    Embedding Youtube Videos into Action Text with Stimulus

    Creating attachments with Action Text can be difficult, but in this episode, we look at how we can create embedded attachments into Trix without needing a persisting the data on a separate model on our database.


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    Go Rails

    Throttling Infinite Scroll Events in Javascript

    Scroll events in Javascript can happen quickly. We want to make sure we don't request the same page multiple times which we can solve easily by introducing a little throttling.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Removing Friendly Id

    Sometimes we reach for a gem because it is what we know or we've had great experience with it in the past. However, sometimes the gem is a sledgehammer for a small problem. When you don't need all of the features, sometimes developing the functionality inside your application may be a better route.


  • Card image cap
    Go Rails

    Infinite Scroll in Rails with Stimulus.js

    Adding Infinite Scroll to your Rails app is easy with Stimulus.js, Turbolinks, and Pagy


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    Drifting Ruby

    Reusable Ruby on Rails Application Templates

    Application Templates are a great way to get a base for your application. However, once you have used the template, it doesn't serve any further purpose. In this episode, we look at the power of Templates in a reusable application for existing applications.


  • CSS-Tricks

    Chromium lands Flexbox gap

    I mentioned this the other day via Michelle Barker’s coverage, but here I’ll link to the official announcement. The main thing is that we’ll be getting gap with flexbox, which means:That’s excellent, as putting space in between flex items has been tough in the past. We have justify-content: space-between, which is nice sometimes, but that doesn’t allow you to explicitly tell the flex container how … Read article “Chromium lands Flexbox gap”
