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Articles of interest for Ruby on Rails

Displaying articles 76 - 100 of 5374 in total
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    Go Rails

    Flash Messages and Toasts with Hotwire & Turbo.js

    Hotwire & Turbo.js are designed to make realtime updates to your page. So how do you notify the user with flash messages or toasts? That's what we're covering in this episode.


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    Go Rails

    How to use the Browser Geolocation API with Rails

    The browser has a built-in Geolocation API that you can use to get the user's location (with permission) in Stimulus and use it with Rails


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    Go Rails

    Sharing Cookies with Subdomains in Rails

    Want to login your user across all subdomains in your Rails app? Here's how.


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    Go Rails

    How to Create & Test a Rails Engine

    Creating and testing a Rails Engine can seem daunting. In this video, we'll walk through how to create (and test!) a Rails engine from scratch


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    Go Rails

    Realtime Nested Comments: Part 3

    Custom targets allow us to render nested comments, update forms, and append new comments with Turbo stream events using Hotwire


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    Go Rails

    Realtime Nested Comments: Part 2

    Hotwire lets us broadcast changes so we can use the same approach for nested comments, but in realtime!


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    Go Rails

    Realtime Nested Comments: Part 1

    Hotwire lets us broadcast changes so we can use the same approach for nested comments, but in realtime!


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    Go Rails

    Slug History & Redirecting Old Slugs with FriendlyID

    Updating slugs


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    Go Rails

    Rails Fragment Caching with Permissions

    Fragment caches can be hard when users have different permissions and are allowed to do different things. We can solve this problem with a little Javascript and greatly improve the usefulness of our fragment caches.


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    Go Rails

    Hotwire Modal Forms

    Modal forms are common, but how do we do them with Hotwire to render validation errors and redirect on success?


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    Go Rails

    How to upgrade from Turbolinks to Hotwire & Turbo

    Upgrading from Turbolinks to Hotwire is actually pretty simple now that Turbo handles error responses


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    Go Rails

    How to use Devise with Hotwire & Turbo.js

    Hotwire's Turbo library intercepts forms automatically so Devise needs a few tweaks to work with it. Learn how to do that in this screencast!


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    Go Rails

    How to use Hotwire in Rails

    Hotwire is the NEW MAGIC that DHH has been teasing about for so long. This episode we'll build the famous Twitter clone using Hotwire to see how it compares to other solutions out there.


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    Go Rails

    Active Support Deprecation Exceptions

    Rails 6.1 introduces a new feature called "disallowed_warnings" which causes exceptions to be thrown anytime deprecated code is run. This makes it really easy to track down deprecations in your code and fix them quickly.


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    Go Rails

    How to use Stimulus JS 2.0's new Values and CSS Classes APIs

    Stimulus JS 2.0 just came out and it includes the awesome Values and CSS Classes APIs


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    Go Rails

    Testing against multiple versions of Ruby, Rails, and Databases with GitHub Actions

    Testing a gem or your Rails app against multiple Ruby and Rails versions is super useful, but we also take it a step further and test our gem against several different databases too


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    Go Rails

    Continuous Deployment with Rails & GitHub Actions

    Continuous Deployment is the automation of deploying any code that gets merged into your main or release branch. We can easily set up GitHub Actions to run CI and CD for us to automate everything.


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    Go Rails

    How to Upgrade Old Projects: ActsAsTenant

    ActsAsTenant needed some maintenance so we're going to walk through the steps of refactoring the gem and Rspec test suite


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    Go Rails

    How to Dual Boot Rails Versions

    Ever wanted to run your Rails app against multiple versions of Rails? You can with "dual booting" which helps you keep your stable Rails version but also test against the latest.


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    Go Rails

    Bulk Operations in Rails

    Bulk operations like "delete all", "publish all", etc require a little bit of Javascript and a special controller for handling them.


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    Drifting Ruby

    From Editor to IDE

    Visual Studio Code is a powerful editor by itself, but with the addition of a few extensions, we can turn it into a much more intelligent IDE.


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    Go Rails

    Require Work Email Address on Registration

    Ever wanted to restrict user registrations to an account's work email or corporate email domains in your Rails app? It's a lot simpler than you might think.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Deferred Content Loading

    Learn to load slow content in the background so that your application still responds quickly while the heavy calculations are being done. Give quick responsiveness and optional polling to partials.


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    Go Rails

    Improving the Rails Route Generator

    The Rails generator helpers have always been a little lacking in flexibility. While building the Madmin gem, I ran into an issue with the route generator and decided to take the extra time to contribute back to Rails.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Database Encoding

    In this episode, we look at the encoding and some problems that an older Ruby on Rails application may face when it comes to storing emojis and how to fix them.
