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Articles of interest for Ruby on Rails

Displaying articles 201 - 225 of 266 in total
  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Managing Servers with Ansible

    A look into the Drifting Ruby network architecture and how I manage deployments with Ansible.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Searchkick and Elasticsearch

    Add full text searching using Searchkick and Elasticsearch. Here I will show the steps involved in adding this search to an existing application and a sample of autocomplete functionality.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Random Ruby Tips and Tricks

    A collection of different Ruby tips and tricks. Hope you find some of them useful!


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Client Side Encryption

    Add an extra level of security to your application with client side encryption. Even over an SSL connection, there are attacks which could expose your users' sensitive information. Using JSEncrypt, learn how to encrypt on the client side and decrypt on the server side.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Security and Static Code Analyzers

    Whether you're preparing for a third-party security scan or already doing peer code reviews, you should always run brakeman scanner on your application to identify potential security vulnerabilities.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Periodic Tasks with sidekiq-cron

    Using a third-party add-on, sidekiq-cron, we can create periodic tasks to extend the functionality of sidekiq.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Sidekiq on Production

    Sidekiq is a Ruby Background Processor that manages its queue with a Redis service. Learn to deploy Sidekiq to your production environment.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Sidekiq Basics

    Sidekiq is a Ruby Background Processor that manages its queue with a Redis service. Learn the basics of Sidekiq and integrating it with ActiveJob.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Mail Previews and Templates

    Using ActionMailer::Preview preview email samples without sending them. Using Zurb's Foundation for Emails, learn how to use email templates with the Ink framework.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Getting Started - Ruby on Rails - Architectural Overview

    For beginners, learn the basic structure of a Ruby on Rails application and the request lifecycle. Learn how different components of a Rails application interact with each other.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Redis Basics

    Redis within a Ruby on Rails application has many benefits. Learn to interact with Redis Server and set it up for caching within your application.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Charts and Graphs

    Learn how to use one of three charting libraries, Chart.js, Highcharts, or Google Charts, using the Chartkick gem to create simple and unobtrusive charts in your application.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Getting Started - Ruby on Rails - Development Environment

    Here is a simple workflow of setting up a new development environment. From Homebrew, ZSH, Atom, and RVM, learn how to easily get your macOS environment up and running.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Database Index Optimization and Migration Maintenance

    Adding indexes to your databases can increase the SQL search performance on your tables. As your application grows, migration files can become out of hand, use squasher to squish them down to a single file.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Rails API - Throttling with Rack::Attack

    Save expensive calculation time using Rack::Attack, we will learn how to limit requests coming into our application. This gem not only limits requests, but can be used to blacklist or whitelist users as well.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Rails API - Authentication with JWT

    Using the knock gem, we will add JWT Authentication to our Rails API Application.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Rails API - Active Model Serializer

    Using ActiveModel::Serializer, learn how to create the JSON responses for your Rails API application. ASM is a great object oriented approach to building a JSON API.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Rails API Basics

    A brief introduction on Rails API. Learn how to create an API application and setup the routes. This episode is paving the way for more in depth looks into Rails API.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Version Control with Git Flow

    Using Git Flow, learn how to work with branches and organize your changes. Once you have completed features, learn how to merge them back into a develop branch and prepare for a release to your master branch.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Authorization with Pundit

    Prevent unauthorized access to your application with Pundit; an authorization library for Ruby on Rails which restricts what resources a given user is allowed to access.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Two Factor Authentication

    Add multi factor authentication to your existing authentication solution. This gives your users the option to increase the level of security to their account and help prevent unauthorized access.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Authentication Crash Course with Devise

    Devise is a flexible authentication solution for Rails based on Warden. Learn how to add a stable authentication solution like Devise to your application.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Capturing Signatures with Signature Pad

    Using the Javascript Library, Signature Pad, learn how to capture user signatures and store them within your Ruby on Rails application.


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    Drifting Ruby

    Antivirus Uploads with Clamby

    Using ClamAV, scan files uploaded to your application for viruses. In the event of a virus learn how to gracefully handle the infected file and notify the user.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    FullCalendar Events and Scheduling

    Learn how to incorporate FullCalendar into your Ruby on Rails application with listing and creating events. Using unobtrusive javascript, we can create a fast interactive calendar.
