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Articles of interest for Ruby on Rails

Displaying articles 151 - 175 of 266 in total
  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    More on Stripe and Webhooks

    Continuing from Episode 114 and Episode 115, we look into adding listeners to Stripe's webhooks for tracking events occurring with customers, subscriptions and charges.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    More on Stripe and Subscriptions

    In our previous episode, we looked at setting up our application to create Stripe Subscriptions. In this episode, we will look at managing the Subscriptions and working with cancelling and resubscribing to a subscription.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Payment Gateway Basics with Stripe

    Learn how to add a merchant services to your Ruby on Rails application in the first part of this series. We will be looking at adding a subscription service using Stripe Elements.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Ruby on Rails 5.2.0 Changes and New Features

    Upcoming features include ActiveStorage, built-in Redis Cache Store, updated Rails Credentials and a bunch of other cool things! Honorable mentions also to the new Stimulus Javascript Framework.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Stimulus Javascript Framework

    Used at Basecamp for some time, and recently open sourced to the public, Stimulus is a small Javascript Framework used to manipulate existing DOM elements on the page. This episode, we will dive into interacting with Stimulus and setting it up in a new Ruby on Rails application.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    In-depth Look into ActiveStorage

    In this episode, we look at ActiveStorage, which is the new file uploading interface in Rails 5.2, and how we can accomplish direct uploads to cloud storage, retrieving & displaying uploaded content, and showing progression with progress bars.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    React State Changes and Posting to the Rails App

    Continuing from the previous episode, we look at React's state changes and how to interact with the Rails application. We can get the native app feel, without using Rails Unobtrusive Javascript or Turbolinks.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Using React-Rails and Loading Data from Rails into React

    In this episode, we look at one of many different ways to add the Javascript Framework, React, into our Ruby on Rails application. This tutorial covers adding react into the application and pulling and displaying database information in nested React components.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Tracking Errors with Sentry

    Sentry is an Open Source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Learn how to add and configure Sentry to your application.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Additional Dependencies in Beanstalk

    Sometimes your AWS Beanstalk environment may require configuration changes from your app to properly deploy and get everything working.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Deploying to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

    We’re going to get a Ruby on Rails application running on a staging environment on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. The Rails app will be connected to a MySQL database instance.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Continuous Integration with Travis CI

    Using Continuous Integration, you can perform tasks and run your tests automatically whenever you commit your code. Travis CI offers free Continuous Integration for open source projects.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Speeding Up Tests

    Slow tests can slow down your development process. Using parallel_tests, you can speed up your test suite by multiple threads and running the tests in groups.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Sample Data with Factory Bot and Faker

    Factory Bot is a fixtures replacement which can generate the needed records directly in the tests. Faker can be used to create fake data for these records.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Feature Testing with Capybara

    Create Acceptance Tests or Feature Tests to extend your automated tests with browser testing. It can help tests some areas that cannot be reached with other types of tests.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Testing with RSpec

    Using RSpec, learn how to create tests for your application and view your coverage.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Basic Testing Introduction in Rails

    Using the Rails 5.1.X defaults, we have a look at what is configured and explore the different types of tests; using the provided MiniTest and Capybara.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Creating a Basic Gem

    Gems are a packaged library of functions that can extend your application or provide other features to your system. Learn to create and publish a ruby gem.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Polymorphic Associations

    Advancing from Single Table Inheritance, learn how Polymorphic Associations differ and tricks to simplify their usage.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Single Table Inheritance

    Learn to use single table inheritance to allow multiple classes to be stored in the same database table.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Auditing with Paper Trail

    Using the paper_trail gem, track changes to model records for auditing purposes and rollback changes when required.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    ActiveRecord Migrations

    This episode covers different tips and tricks around database migration files.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Recurring Events with FullCalendar

    Create recurring events and interact with them on FullCalendar.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Recurring Events with ice_cube

    ice_cube is a ruby library for easily handling repeated events and schedules.


  • Card image cap
    Drifting Ruby

    Restricting Access by IP Address

    Learn to lock down your application or parts of your application by IP Addresses.
