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Articles of interest for Ruby on Rails

Displaying articles 101 - 125 of 479 in total
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    Go Rails

    Contributing To Thor

    Thor is a tool in Ruby that powers command line tools like the Rails generators. In this video, we're fixing an unexpected situation that we found while using Thor.


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    Go Rails

    Row-level Multitenancy with ActsAsTenant

    Row-level multitenancy is an easy, scalable approach to restricting access to data in your application between tenants. Using the acts_as_tenant gem, we can enforce this automatically throughout our Rails applications.


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    Go Rails

    How to Test Gem Dependencies with Appraisal

    Appraisal lets us test our code against different versions of dependencies. This is fantastic if you're building Rubygems that must work with multiple versions of Rails or other dependencies


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    Go Rails

    Designing & Building the Noticed gem

    Building a gem can be complicated. Often times you're writing abstract, meta code so it can be used flexibly in situations you'll never imagine. We'll talk about the architecture and design of the noticed gem and how it all works.


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    Go Rails

    How to add Notifications to Rails with Noticed

    Noticed is my new gem for adding notifications to Rails apps. Notifications are really complicated to build and we've done the heavy lifting for you.


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    Go Rails

    How to add Notifications to Rails with Noticed

    Noticed is my new gem for adding notifications to Rails apps. Notifications are really complicated to build and we've done the heavy lifting for you.


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    Go Rails

    How to translate and localize apps with Rails Internationalization (18n)

    Translating and localizing your app is important to make it accessible to users around the world. Rails provides internationalization (I18n) tools to make this easier and it's got a lot of cool tricks available.


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    Go Rails

    Realtime Group Chat with Rails [Revised] - Part 5

    User mentions in group chat is a crucial feature, so this week we're taking a look at how to add @ mentions for our users in chat with regex and more.


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    Go Rails

    Realtime Group Chat with Rails [Revised] - Part 4

    It's important to see that there are unread messages in channels you're not actively viewing. We can use a very simple event in ActionCable to do this and bold channel names with unread messages.


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    Go Rails

    Caching with Etags

    One fantastic way to improve Rails performance is by using Etags to help the browser keep track if a page has changed or not. This can help Rails skip rendering views entirely and save lots of time.


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    Go Rails

    Improving the Rails Conductor for Inbound Emails & ActionMailbox

    Contribute to Rails by discovering something you could improve and learning how to add features to Rails


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    Go Rails

    Webpack Bundle Analyzer

    Webpack bundles can be confusing as to what actually ships in production. Using the bundle analyzer plugin, we can visualize and see exactly what libraries and files are taking up what space.


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    Go Rails

    Realtime Group Chat with Rails [Revised] - Part 3

    Keeping track of a user's last read timestamp for each chat room is straightforward, especially when we use Stimulus.js to update it from the client side.


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    Go Rails

    Code Coverage with SimpleCov and RailsBytes

    Add code coverage to your app using SimpleCov and RailsBytes. We'll walk through installing simplecov and creating a RailsByte to automate it for us going forward.


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    Go Rails

    Multiuser Live Video Chat in Rails

    Using Vonage (previously known as OpenTok), we can add multiuser live video chat to Rails in just 20 minutes. It also supports broadcasting things like webinars, recording videos, and more.


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    Go Rails

    Intersection Observer API to refactor Infinite scroll

    Using the Intersection Observer API, we can refactor our infinite scroll example to be much more efficient and simpler to use


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    Go Rails

    Realtime browser updates with Cable Ready

    Learn how to use Cable Ready to perform realtime browser updates using actions generated in Rails controllers, models, and background jobs. Cable Ready is the magic behind Stimulus Reflex.


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    Go Rails

    Realtime Group Chat with Rails [Revised] - Part 2

    An updated version of our Group Chat series using Webpacker, ActionCable, Stimulus.js, and modern Javascript to build a very clean version of realtime group chat in Rails


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    Go Rails

    Realtime Group Chat with Rails [Revised] - Part 1

    An updated version of our Group Chat series using Webpacker, ActionCable, Stimulus.js, and modern Javascript to build a very clean version of realtime group chat in Rails


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    Go Rails

    Throttling Infinite Scroll Events in Javascript

    Scroll events in Javascript can happen quickly. We want to make sure we don't request the same page multiple times which we can solve easily by introducing a little throttling.


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    Go Rails

    Infinite Scroll in Rails with Stimulus.js

    Adding Infinite Scroll to your Rails app is easy with Stimulus.js, Turbolinks, and Pagy


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    Go Rails

    Drag and Drop sortable lists with Rails & Stimulus JS

    Drag and drop sortable lists in Rails aren't too hard using Sortablejs and Stimulus to make wire them up to our backend with acts_as_list


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    Go Rails

    Introduction to Stimulus Reflex

    Stimulus Reflex is one of the coolest new libraries out there. It can update the browser in realtime and allow you to build reactive applications without any Javascript. It's awesome.


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    Go Rails

    Ruby Module Include Tracking

    Sometimes you might want to keep track of all classes a module was included in. We can do that with a couple nifty tricks to make this work with both regular Ruby modules and Rails concerns.


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    Go Rails

    How to use Webpack require.context

    Webpacker provides some nice tools for loading Javascript in several different ways. We're looking at require.context to see how to load an entire directory's set of files easily.
