Articles of interest for Ruby on Rails
Displaying articles 451 - 475 of 479 in totalArticle Sources
Forum Series Part 4: div_for
The div_for method gives you easy access to creating id's and classes for your ActiveRecord objects in the views. It also makes for easy access to elements with CSS and Javascript.
Forum Series Part 3: Nested Attributes and fields_for
Learn how to use accepts_nested_attributes_for and fields_for to create forms that include associated models in them
Forum Series Part 2: Routes
Designing routes for a forum and discussing how we can use those to improve the structure of our Rails application
Forum Series Part 1: Architecture
The first part of the Forum series, we talk about how the database and structure of the forum is designed
Consuming an API Using HTTParty and Creating a Gem
Learn how to use HTTParty to consume an API and package your library into a gem
Authorization with Pundit
A guide to authorization with Pundit including a walkthrough of how to lock down your application, actions, and use default policies
Rails 4.2 Introduction
A quick look at the new features of Rails 4.2 in the first beta that was recently released
Authorization With CanCanCan
A look into the popular CanCanCan library to add authorization to your Rails app
A Look Into Routing
Dive into routing more deeply than just basic resources and writing routes from scratch
jQuery UJS Callbacks
An advanced look into jQuery UJS and how to use callbacks to improve your UJS workflow and debugging
jQuery UJS and AJAX
A quick introduction to jQuery UJS and how we can use it to make an AJAX request to render a javascript template from the Rails server
Button Loading Animations with jQuery UJS
Learn how to easily disable the submit button and display a loading animation when a user submits the form
Understanding Semantic Versioning
Understand how and why the version numbers work for the gems you commonly use
Sending emails with Mandrill
Advanced techniques on sending emails over SMTP with local views and Mandrill's API with remote templates
Keeping track with Annotate
Learn how to keep track of your database models and attributes with comments in your application
User Authentication with Devise
A look into user accounts, registration, login, forgot your password, and more
File Uploading with Carrierwave
Using Rails to upload files manually and how you can do it even cleaner using Carrierwave
Pagination with will_paginate
A look into how pagination works from scratch and how to use will_paginate
Pretty urls with FriendlyID
Techniques for taking your database models and using attributes to generate pretty urls
Debugging With BetterErrors
A look at how to supercharge your debugging and solve errors faster than ever
Styling with Bootstrap Sass
Learn how CSS and Javascript frameworks should be added to Rails applications
Querying Named Scopes Across Models with ActiveRecord::Relation#merge
Use the merge method to prevent duplication of ActiveRecord scopes when you're querying across different models
Sending Data Between Controllers And Views
Using instance variables we can send data between controllers and views and take a look at how that works
The Params Hash
A glimpse into the "magic" behind the params hash and the various ways it gets populated