Articles of interest for Ruby on Rails
Displaying articles 276 - 300 of 479 in totalArticle Sources
Tracking Metrics with Ahoy and Blazer
Tracking business metrics can be time consuming and costly but the Ahoy gem lets you easily track metrics and Blazer makes it incredibly easy to analyze your data
Analytics with Segment
Track users and the actions they take in your Rails app and then send them over to various 3rd party services using Segment
Charts with Chartkick and Groupdate
Add various types of charts to your Rails app with Chartkick and use Groupdate to make easy group queries in SQL
Feature Flags with Rollout
Feature flags enable us to turn on features for specific users, groups, and random percentages of our user base to test features before fully rolling them out
Global Autocomplete Search
See how to add global autocomplete and search functionality to your app's navbar
Preferences & Settings with ActiveRecord::Store
Use ActiveRecord::Store and ActiveRecord-TypedStore to save user preferences and settings to a single column in the database
Migrating From jQuery to Vanilla Javascript
Without jQuery in Rails 5.1, we explore what it takes to convert your traditional jQuery code into vanilla Javascript methods
iTunes Controller Code Review: Part 3
We do a code review of a script that let's you control your Mac and iTunes with commands that generate AppleScripts
iTunes Controller Code Review: Part 2
We do a code review of a script that let's you control your Mac and iTunes with commands that generate AppleScripts
iTunes Controller Code Review: Part 1
We do a code review of a script that let's you control your Mac and iTunes with commands that generate AppleScripts
Primer on Rails 5.1's new UJS library
Learn how the new Rails UJS library works and compares with the old version of jquery_ujs that it replaces
Using VueJS for Nested Forms in Rails: Part 2
Learn how to use VueJS as an alternative to Cocoon and other methods of building dynamic nested forms with Rails
Using VueJS for Nested Forms in Rails: Part 1
Learn how to use VueJS as an alternative to Cocoon and other methods of building dynamic nested forms with Rails
Using VueJS for Nested Forms in Rails: Part 1
Learn how to use VueJS as an alternative to Cocoon and other methods of building dynamic nested forms with Rails
Code Review: Run Number Refactoring
We do a code review and refactoring of an implementation of incremental run numbers for an application
How to use Vue.js and Turbolinks together
Using Vue.js and Turbolinks together can be a little complex to wrap your head around at first. We not only dive into how this works but we take a look at the vue-turbolinks node module I made so that you can easily use the two together.
Using Webpack in Rails with the Webpacker Gem
Let's take a look at using the Webpacker gem in Rails to implement an additional pipeline for building modern frontend Javascript alongside our Rails application using VueJS.
When Callbacks and Dependencies Are A Good Idea
Often times you hear people say using callbacks and adding dependencies are always bad. Life's not that simple and in this episode we explore when to use callbacks and when it makes sense to add gem dependencies to your app.
Form Objects Design Pattern
See how you can use a form object to improve the way you implement custom and complex forms in Rails
Select Or Create Field With Selectize.js
Select a record or create a new one for an association in a form using the Selectize.js library
Fixing Counter Caches in the Paranoia Gem
A walk through of the process of fixing a popular gem and learning how ActiveRecord and the Paranoia gem works
Advanced Counter Caching
Add advanced counter caching for soft deletable models, scopes, and has_many relationships
Decorators with the Draper Gem
Implement the decorator pattern with the Draper gem in your Rails application
Decorators From Scratch
Learn what the Decorator design pattern does and how to implement it from scratch
ActiveRecord Explain
Learn how to use ActiveRecord Explain to analyze your SQL queries generated by ActiveRecord